The Dinner provided the alumni with a chance to reflect on how they can support Kyambogo University through different alumni activities. It was a time to share about the University’s development through a documentary which was telling of the University’s evolution.

Kyambogo University organised the first-ever Alumni consultative dinner on 15th June 2022 at Hotel Africana in Katonga Hall from 5pm.

The planned objective was to get its graduates to partner with the university to cause its growth as well as to be the change drivers. Over 100 guests came back to their alma mater to see the far the university has come.
The alumni had a chance to reflect and ponder how they could help Kyambogo grow. It was a time to acknowledge, applaud, and share the university’s success and how to develop it further.
In attendance were Prof. Eli Katunguka-Rwakishaya the university Vice Chancellor, Mr. Arthur Katongole the University Secretary, Mrs. Adrine Katusiime, Eng. Musingizi Julius Tinka, ASP Bahiira Nelson, Eng. Asingwire Myers, Dr. Jane Egau, Eng. Ezra Gumisiriza, Mr. Twinomujuni Lauben the Senior Public Relations Officer, and other members of the university Council and management. Also present were the former guild presidents, and many other distinguished alumni from various professional backgrounds with representatives from the public and private sectors.

The Alumni started arriving at the venue i.e., Hotel Africana at 4:55pm and they were received by the registration team and requested to fill in the registration book. The registration team was headed by Ms Brendah Atusiimirwe, along with Ms. Rosemary Katwesige, Ms. Faith Alinda, Ms. Kirabo Angela and Mr. Henry Basalirwa. Every Alumnus would get a customized notebook and a customized pen after registering as they entered the venue hall.

They were served with welcome drinks where we had an open bar in the venue Hall consisting of both soft drinks and hard drinks. They were also served with both black and African tea that was placed besides the entrance to the Hall as the serving center.
It was a colorful event with live music performances and drama plays from Nkwanzi cultural group. Interludes between speeches were complemented with videos of Kyambogo’s journey in a documentary. The venue was booming with activity as the alumni recounted their experiences as students at the University. It was a moment for the alumni to celebrate cherished memories of their student days, rekindle friendships and establish new networks.

The Event was officially opened by singing the National Anthem, East African Anthem and Kyambogo Anthem. This was followed by a prayer. The guests introduced themselves as they were directed by the MCs i.e., Mr. Tashobya Ambrose and Mrs. Olive Namazzi.
Nkwanzi cultural group entertain the guests

It was followed by a speech from the Vice-Chancellor Professor Eli Katunguka-Rwakishaya, who warmly welcomed graduates and their guests and extended sincere thanks for their coming following the call from the university. He shared about the University’s achievements and encouraged the alumni to keep in touch and be the drivers of the growth the university wants.
The Vice-Chancellor showed the Alumni a documentary of the university’s growth and progress since inception. Prof. Katunguka also unveiled the architectural designs of the proposed student centre. The beautiful structures were designed by two final year students of Bachelor of Architecture.
Alumni had the opportunity to network with fellow graduates and to meet some of the academics and programme leaders who had supported them during their studies.

Thereafter, a delicious dinner was served to all the guests.
Eng. Asingwire Myers, the Alumni Representative, called for financial support to the university if the university is to develop. He pledged the alumni support to the student centre.
Some Alumni made their contributions towards the student centre where a total of Ugx 13M was contributed Ugx 2M being a cash contribution and Ugx 11M pledges.

Eng. Asingwire Myers, the Alumni Representative gave the Keynote.
The evening was filled with merry making and there were many more speeches coming in from different guests. Other members shared their experience and expressed some of their thoughts. the event was crowned with cutting of cake by the Vice Chancellor and some Alumni representatives. The Alumni were honored with gifts which included the Mug and KyU Lapel pin.
The event was organized with the help of the Advancement and Alumni Relations Office under the guidance of the Vice Chancellor and the members of the Alumni task force committee who were appointed by him for the purposes of better preparations and coordination for that event.

The dinner was covered by different media houses which include; NTV, Spark TV, UBC, and the New Vision.
The University is hopefully to gain support from its Alumni.
The guests were entertained by Nkwazi cultural group.

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